
Monday, July 15, 2019

Easy Pineapple Upside Down Cake

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my hubby!  Another year older, another year wiser and another year better than ever!  I love you my George!  May God give us many more birthdays to celebrate!

Sometimes, traditions get a scramble and that is what happened this year.  My husband always wants an ice cream cake.  ALL vanilla, so I have to special order it.  I make it match his "theme" which we do every single year for each other.  Full decorations, everything!


He asks for pineapple upside down cake this year.  How do I theme pineapple upside down cake?  Do a pineapple theme?  I am sure he will love instead for the first time in 20 years, I had no theme.  I think he was a little devastated.  Since he spring this on me last minute, I didn't have a white cake mix.  You might think to use yellow, but for my licking it is to dense.  So of course this mean a trip to Walmart because as I have said before, it is 3 blocks away!  You know, if Walmart doesn't have it, nobody does!

So here is what you will need for your pineapple upside down cake.  Read carefully because there will be a couple of substitutions and additions to the recipe!

You will need:
1 white cake mix
120 oz  can chunk pineapple (and its juice)
Smalll Jar Maraschino Cherries
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, melted.
vegetable oil

Preheat oven to temperature suggested on the box.  I made an 9x13 so I preheated mine to 350 degrees F.

Melt your butter and pour into baking dish.  Use a spatula and spread it around and coat the sides a little so it doesn't stick and for more flavor!  Now, sprinkle in your brown sugar.  It seems like a lot.  It is.  Go with it!

Now for the pineapple.  DRAIN AND KEEP the juice!  Every single time I yield 1 cup of juice from my pineapple.  You are going to use this juice in place of water.  Squeeze or smooth the pineapple to get all of the juice.  If you don't get enough, use water to make up the difference.

Now evenly sprinkle your pineapple over the brown sugar.  Now go in with your cherries!  Use as many or as few as you like.  Even leave them off if you like.  Set baking dish aside and get out a bowl for better!

Mix up the box recipe as instructed only use WHOLE EGGS (not just whites) and pineapple juice for water.  Mix until smooth and then pour over the brown sugary, pineapply goodness!  Smooth out and bake.  Mine took an extra 30 minutes in the oven.  Just keep an eye out, start with the suggested time and add whatever time you need

Let sit for 10 minutes and then flip out on to a platter or cake board!  I just used a cookie sheet!

I hope you enjoy this light, delicious cake and give it a try!  Happy Birthday my sweet George!


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