
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Fluffer Nutter Cake

 Good Evening and welcome back to my website and recipe blog!  Thank you for clicking the link and I hope you will follow directly so you don't miss any new recipes!  Maybe even look back on some favorites!  You can use the search bar to search keywords if you are on a PC or on your mobile device go to your desktop view and you will see it!

It is good to see you again!  It has FINALLY stopped snowing and being -30 degrees here in Nebraska.  Whoa, that is like, the kind of cold that makes your face instantly go numb and you can't even move your mouth to speak! I hope everyone is warming up, snow is melting and we are just around the bend from Spring!  (My favorite time of year btw)

I wanted to share my Fluffer Nutter Cake with you tonight.  I grew up eating peanut butter and honey or peanut butter fluff sandwiches!   Was it a favorite of anyone else?  I still indulge from time to time but BOY is it sweet!

Here we go with the recipe!  I was thinking Spring when I made this, and so I added pastel star sprinkles on top, you add what you want, even crushed peanuts if you want or nothing.  I needed sprinkles.  

Prepare one white cake.  From a box, from scratch,  no judging here.  Make it ahead or make it just before so you can pour the peanut butter mixture on while it is still warm if you want.  I poked holes in mine, the  mixture is a little thick so make BIG holes, or add a little milk to it to thin it a HAIR!

You will then need:

8oz jar of creamy peanut butter

13oz + 1/2 cup marshmallow creme/fluff

1, 8oz container of whipped topping

Combine peanut butter and 13 oz container of marshmallow creme together in a bowl and microwave until it has thinned out considerably.  If it doesn't thin out as much as you want, and you want it to for sure run into the holes on your cake, add 2T of milk and mix completely.  You may need to give it another 30 seconds in the microwave.  Make sure it is completely mixed and then pour and spread over the top of the cake.  Evenly spread it on top and lick the spatula!  Seriously, it is the nature of the beast.

Now, with a hand mixer combine 1/2 marshmallow creme and container of whipped topping.  Mix until combined and spread on top of the peanut butter mixture.  Cover it evenly and then dress the top how you like...IF you like.  Again, I would recommend licking the spatula.

Put this baby in the fridge for about 30 minutes before serving and BAM.  That is what I call heaven right there!


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Cheese Stuffed Bread Sticks

 (This recipe makes 8 bread sticks)

Good Evening friends!

I just returned from a long weekend taking care of my dad with 2 of my sisters.  Boy was that an experience.  I have come away with 2 important messages...\



oops there are 3,


We did however do lots of laughing,  reminiscing, and walking down memory lane.  He went straight to  him and my mom's first date and the "best set of legs he had ever seen".  He is right...I mean it is what it is.  It was a good weekend and all is well.  He has been out of the rehab facility for 5 months just living his best life.  He refers to his meds as his "chicken feed". he wants to be called "Sweetface" and expects 3 meals a day.  Seriously dad?  HA!  Gonna take a hard pass on a career in nursing!

A few nights before I left I wanted to make a nice dinner.  I made steaks and wanted to use up some things in the fridge for sides.  Always shop your fridge and freezer, use things up, don't through your money/food away.  I had a roll of refrigerated pizza dough that needed used.  It must have snuck to the back of my fridge and honestly I had no idea if it was even still good.  I know that has HAD to have happened to  you too!  Right?  Please?  Somebody?  I had 8 rogue string cheeses that were spying on the new cheese and honestly, who can't make something amazing out of pizza dough and mozzarella cheese sticks?

These are easy and I contemplated not even sharing the recipe with the video, but I am.  There are always beginners out there and easy recipes are a good thing!

You will need:

1 roll of refrigerator pizza dough

8 mozzarella string cheese sticks

4T melted butter

1 tsp garlic powder

Italian Seasoning

Preheat oven to the temperature recommended on the package of crust.  Roll out slightly and cut into 8 pieces.  Cover the ends of the cheese and then "smoosh" the dough around to seal and cover the entire stick!  Lay on a parchment lined baking sheet or spray with cooking spray.  Do this until each bread stick is made.  Melt butter and add in garlic powder.  Add more or less if you prefer.  Brush over  breadsticks and then sprinkle each with Italian seasoning.  Bake in the oven until golden brown which will be the time that the pizza dough package recommends.  Serve right away with marinara, ranch or no dipping sauce at all!  OHHHHH dunk these in tomato soup even!  Serve with any soup!

These can be many things but the most important thing they are is DEELISH!